Monday, January 5, 2009

More Photobooth Fun

Once again the boys and I couldn't resist the chance to make faces in a photobooth. I never did these as a child, so I'm making up for it as an adult. However, if the boys get much bigger, we're not going to fit in the frame! (I like Ben's finger-in-nose pose. Perfect for the occasion.)


jennifer black said...

You're going to love these in those not-too-far-in-the-future bittersweet moments of looking back.

Fun fun.


Barbara Butler McCoy said...

Oh what fun it is to be the parent of two awesome boys!!!

Anonymous said...

This is soooo much fun! When I was in middle school in Lisbon, my friends and I used to take the subway back home every day. On one of the stations, there was one of these photo booths and we would all squeeze in there and make the funniest you are making me look for those photos :)

Great photos, Brian! These are the adventures that your kids will NEVER forget.

One Wink at a Time said...

You are such a cool dad :-D

Branded Photo Booth said...

You will really enjoy having picture with photo booth and trying funny special effects and graphics.